Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Life is too short. Do something that you really want to do. Don't waste your life. Don't simply settle for what others want you to do. Your true happiness is always in your hands. Only you can chose what you want to do with your life. Choose wisely. There is value in all work, whether it is self-employment or working for someone else. Never criticize anyone for anything. Commit to no complaining given or received. Not everyone hates his or her job. Not everyone wants to be self-employed. Not everyone should be self-employed. There are people who lead very fulfilling lives without being self-employed. The vast majority of new ideas, major accomplishments, lasting achievements, etc., have come from people who technically worked for someone else. So to everyone who preaches how everyone must have their own business - lighten up. Live your life. Let others live theirs. What difference does it make what others are making in a company? It has no bearing on you. What matters is how much you want to make and what you are going to do to get it. What matters is what works for you.

Some people say stay unemotional, detached, and machine-like when you are working your business. Others suggest you emote at a higher level, allow your enthusiasm to run and your passion to show. Do what works for you; otherwise, you will drive yourself crazy. Identify yourself in all communications, both verbal and written. Use correct sentences, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar to the best of your ability. Don't label yourself as ignorant, lazy, sloppy, and amateurish. (This also applies to email.) It will still happen no matter how well you do that someone will point out the error in spelling or grammar. I tell them it was intentional. I now know they read the email or article or website! Conduct yourself properly on the telephone. Identify who you are and why you are calling. Get to the point. Learn the basics of using a computer and the internet. You cannot be in ANY business without them. This is the real school and what you do anywhere is what you do everywhere.

Work hard at your business. No one is going to build it for you. No one is going to sell your products for you. Stop trying to get your upline to do all the work. Stop telling your downline you will help them. It's your business, treat it that way. If you put as much time into your business as you do watching the boob tube or recreating out doors or doing a dozen other things, you could become very wealthy in your field.

Stop complaining about everything that's wrong and start praising everything that's right. Negative news travels faster that positive news. Do you want your downline to focus only on the negative? And if you must vent, only vent to your upline. Always put on a smile for your downline. If you want your business to grow, you have to stop talking bad about it. If it's that bad, quit and find another business.

Most any successful email marketer using any system will tell you that you must commit to at least twelve months of using the system. You must also upload at a minimum 2 million leads to have enough people to talk to. So don't cry when you upload 5000 leads and you only have 3 people as a premium lead, or even if you upload 500,000 leads and only have a few hundred premium leads to talk to. You need to commit to it, do it, and stop complaining about it. You talk to anyone that is successful and they will tell you this... "I never focused on the bad. I never complained about the ugly, and I never cried about the short comings. What I did do was, learn, get stronger, and fight my way to the top.". Never stop moving towards your dreams! I recommend you investigate mine at www.eisbrener.net

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