Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Birthday Message for Everyday

The layoffs are still piling up, more banks are going bust and governments everywhere are pumping billions of dollars of your tax money into crazy schemes trying to prop up their favorites at everyone elses expense. It's been two years, or is it four... or more and the direction is unchanged. We are certainly in the midst of a worldwide recession they claim ended and it may still denigrate into a depression. 2012 here we come!!!

I am writing this because this economic meltdown is no threat to your future and actually offers real opportunities for increasing your wealth and success. Today is my birthday. A day I look over the last year and the one ahead.

I have a couple questions for you...

What will change in your life, over the next twelve months, if you continue doing what you're doing right now?

You get to choose. It really is up to you. You will be the one to determine exactly what your life looks like in twelve months.

Not the economy.
Not your company.[if you are working]
Not your boss. [if you have one]
Not your parents. [no matter if they are alive or dead]
Not your spouse. [really!]
Not the Democrats.
Not the conservatives,
Not the Republicans.
Not the liberals,
Not your friends and relatives.


Sadly, most people simply do nothing or the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. It is easy to ignore opportunity (safer to just complain) and continue doing what you've been doing. After all, there's probably something on TV right now. Maybe a movie you rented and haven't watched yet. How is that working for you? What does it pay you for the hours of your time? It's a mind meld with staying poor!!

If you are still reading this then your mind is on the same track mine. Take action by making a phone call and learning more. That decision puts you on an entirely different path than you would have been on otherwise.

What about you? Interested in charting a new course for the next 12 months? It starts with a simple step.

Call me at 305-421-3165 right now. If I am on the phone or away you will get voice mail. I am at my desk most mornings, some afternoons and some evenings. Let me know the best times to reach you if I do not answer. I will call you back asap. If you have 10 to 15 hours a week and a willingness to learn, I have what 95% are looking for in a home business.

You qualify by the actions you take. You can get started in less than 24 hours but I suggest you take the time you need investigating a "No Guesswork Blueprint" to creating a life without limits. I will not pitch you or attempt to convince you. I will provide information for you to review and evaluate on your terms.

The next step is yours! I'll look forward to speaking with you! 305-421-3165

Afraid to call me? Visit for your path to the prosperity universe!

There is nothing either good or bad but [YOUR] thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare

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