Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Converted Dozens of Sites to New Scheme

I like online toys... marketing systems. They can take up more time than they should and if you believe they will do the real work you lose. However much of the day to day lifting can be accomplished with reliable well designed website.

If you refresh the browser after loads you will discover a new website. Which one do you like best? Do it again and again until you return to your first one. I may add more!

No matter what program you have, no matter what business you are pursuing you need some kind of marketing suite. Finally someone has put one together that can work for anyone no matter what. Visit their Home Page now.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

We Have Lift Off!!

I shut down marketing sites today and in the process discovered a remarkable system to use with our new real estate venture. It will take a day or two to have the old system of domaing propogate with the new. I am excited!!

On the right you will see an offer for Prosperity Central. This works with any current program. I have used at least a dozen different marketing suites the last eight years and this one is the best bar none. Anyone, no matter how computer disabled, can use this system. It does everything.

Investigate what I have done with and be sure to click the Home tab and watch the movie.

The capture page will go live soon.

Monday, August 29, 2011

What Happens When the Parties Over?

Today I verified that the program I have been working this last year is closing its door the last day of this month. No official word that is true. No official word of much. My sponsor, the number one distributor 'resigned' in earlier this summer. Numerous other signs now make sense.

My official mantra for the year is; Whenever something doesn't work out the way I think it should or thought it would, instead of thinking that something went wrong or is wrong, I see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent.Whenever something doesn't work out the way I think it should or thought it would, instead of thinking that something went wrong or is wrong, I see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent.

There is much to do. This is good news! I am not clear how nor is it yet apparent. Redesigning all of my marketing materials is the first step. I have unhooked most of the websites and will complete the tasks tomorrow.

Stay tuned! OH and if you know anyone who has property to sell, send them to

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Magical Thinking or The Law of Attraction

This law is talked about everywhere today. Some even call it a Secret! The Secret, Bob Proctor, Bill Harris and others all speak about the Law of Attraction. One of my favorite quotes is:

“To attract attractive people, you must be attractive. To attract powerful people, you must be powerful. To attract committed people, you must be committed. Instead of going to work on them, you go to work on yourself. If you become, you can attract." - Jim Rohn.

Do a Google search on the names above and you will find all of them provide lots information. With all the attention, the Law of Attraction is presented by some people as what I call “magical thinking.” Believing that thinking new thoughts will make the difference will leave you disappointed with the outcome. If you are interested in verifiable and valid results magical thinking does not work. Magical thinking may be useful in experiencing certain kinds of feelings. Fake it until you make it has a certain value.

In THINK and GROW RICH Napolean Hill pays special attention to harmony between all parites and more.

“One must marry one's feelings to one's beliefs and ideas. That is probably the only way to achieve a measure of harmony in one's life.” - Napoleon Hill

If you have ever seen two married people you know the difficulty to which he was referring.

I recommend you investigate the opportunity at and then we should talk.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Law of Communication

Everyone knows when communication is effective. Staying in contact with your organization is both art and science. The essence of communication is intention. Sending an email to everyone on your team is one way to communicate. If no one opens the email however there was no communication. Real communication is a two way phenomenon. You send out the ‘message’ and the intended recipient replies indicating in some way their understanding. Done effectively you will know if they heard you or heard some other message. The smaller the gap between what you said and meant and what was heard and returned as acknowledgement determines the quality and effectiveness of your communication.

One aspect of communication normally overlooked is the ‘filter’ each individual processes all of their communication through. Your filter is also part of the process. It is almost a miracle that we communicate at all. The ‘filter’ is culture, family, friends and every reaction, inaction of your and their past. Humans have been communicating for thousands of years. Those who do it well prosper.

Participating in a business where events, coaching and inspiration are a major part of the operation keeps it working and expanding. Amega taxes and exercises your ability to communicate making this an ongoing growth and development program. Every part of your life will be upgraded as you begin to engage this Law of Communication. As you communicate so goes your business, so goes your life.

Visit and begin the communication that puts you into action and rapidly expands your financial future.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fuel Shark Arrived Today!

We live in Medellín, Colombia. Medellín is in the Aburrá Valley and we live half way up the side of the mountain overlooking the city to the west. The drive to work and back is not far but up and down the mountain every day. Our vehicle does a fine job and runs adequately on regular but has much more power with half regular and half premium.

The Fuel Shark arrived and today was the first day we plugged it in. It will be awhile before if we see any difference to mileage and fuel savings. The car runs better, quieter almost and the last tank was all regular but with Fuel Shark it has the power, the feeling of premium.

It will be a couple weeks to notice the fuel savings. That allowing the car to burn regular we will save a dollar a gallon or when mixed about fifty cents or $7 tank full. Yes premium is a dollar more than regular here and it costs just under $6 a gallon.

Visit now and order yours. It will make a difference.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What EVERY Network Marketer Need to Know

This report was created especially for network marketers by T. Harv Eker, author of the New York Times #1 best-seller "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind." I'm a huge fan of Harv - his work has changed my life.

I learned at his Millionaire Mind Intensive your financial success is determined not by your down-line, products, sales ability, up-line or the numerous other factors we think of.

It's determined by your mindset.

We are all equipped with an inner money thermostat, which determines the level of wealth that we feel comfortable having. Just like your home's thermostat controls the temperature of your environment, your inner money thermostat controls the level of wealth you experience.

That's why some people (like Donald Trump) can lose millions and bounce back ... and why others (like lottery winners) can strike it rich and lose everything within months. Your wealth will always adjust itself to your "set point."

Millionaire Mind for Network Marketers reveals the key characteristics that separate top producers from average network marketers.

Get the report now at

Inside this eye-opening report, you'll discover:

• The 4-part formula that dictates the level of success you achieve in network marketing ... and every other area of your life (Most people focus only on steps #3 and #4 ... which is why they rarely achieve the success they want)

• The only way to permanently change the results you get from your network marketing business

• Why being satisfied making just a little extra money with your network marketing business actually undermines your success

• 6 habits that the wealthy have ... but the poor and middle class laugh at. Adopt these habits and I practically guarantee you'll become financially free

• The simple Hawaiian philosophy that opens you up to greater abundance (most people do the exact opposite, which condemns them to never having what they want)

• The 2 unique reasons that network marketing offers you the greater chance of financial success (hint: it is NOT the size of your commissions)

• Common - and sneaky - ways that you sabotage your success (I'll tell you exactly what to look out for... and what to do when you see these excuses popping up)

• Why asking "How can I make more money?" is the worst question to ask ... and what to focus on instead (do this and you'll effortlessly increase your income)

• The 4-letter word that must be eradicated from your vocabulary immediately if you hate to sell - you'll be amazed by the results

• The brilliant comeback you can use when someone gives you grief about networking marketing (as a bonus, your heckler will suddenly become a hot prospect for your "in" talk)

• How to tell where your money thermostat is set ... and what determined your set point

• And much more!

This report is completely free and comes with a surprise bonus gift worth $1590 that will help you permanently raise your inner money thermostat to a higher level of wealth.

Click and get your copy now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Have a Couple Questions For You...

What will change in your life, over the next 12 months, if you continue doing what you're doing right now?

YOU get to choose. It really is up to you. You will be the one to determine exactly what your life looks like in 12 months.

Not the economy.
Not your company.
Not your boss.
Not your parents.
Not your spouse.
Not the Democrats.
Not the conservatives,
Not the Republicans.
Not the liberals,
Not your friends and relatives.


Sadly, most people simply do nothing or the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. It is easy to ignore opportunity (safer to just complain) and continue doing what you've been doing. After all, there's probably something on TV right now. Maybe a movie you rented and haven't watched yet. How is that working for you? What does it pay you for the hours of your time?

If you have not left yet and you are still reading this, then your mind is on the same track mine was when I first read a page like this one. I took action making a phone call and learning more. And that decision put me on an entirely different path than I would have been on otherwise.

What about you? Interested in charting a new course for the next 12 months? It starts with a simple step.

Call me at 305-421-3165 right now. If you have 10 to 15 hours a week and a willingness to learn, I have what you're looking for in a home business.
You qualify by the actions you take. Many offer an immediate way to begin. You can get started in less than 24 hours but I suggest you take the time you need investigating a "No Guesswork Blueprint" to creating a life without limits. Virtually no assembly required. Simple plug and play, paint by the numbers and you can do this!

The next step is yours! I'll look forward to speaking with you!

To your ultimate and complete success!

Michael Eisbrener

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Life is too short. Do something that you really want to do. Don't waste your life. Don't simply settle for what others want you to do. Your true happiness is always in your hands. Only you can chose what you want to do with your life. Choose wisely. There is value in all work, whether it is self-employment or working for someone else. Never criticize anyone for anything. Commit to no complaining given or received. Not everyone hates his or her job. Not everyone wants to be self-employed. Not everyone should be self-employed. There are people who lead very fulfilling lives without being self-employed. The vast majority of new ideas, major accomplishments, lasting achievements, etc., have come from people who technically worked for someone else. So to everyone who preaches how everyone must have their own business - lighten up. Live your life. Let others live theirs. What difference does it make what others are making in a company? It has no bearing on you. What matters is how much you want to make and what you are going to do to get it. What matters is what works for you.

Some people say stay unemotional, detached, and machine-like when you are working your business. Others suggest you emote at a higher level, allow your enthusiasm to run and your passion to show. Do what works for you; otherwise, you will drive yourself crazy. Identify yourself in all communications, both verbal and written. Use correct sentences, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar to the best of your ability. Don't label yourself as ignorant, lazy, sloppy, and amateurish. (This also applies to email.) It will still happen no matter how well you do that someone will point out the error in spelling or grammar. I tell them it was intentional. I now know they read the email or article or website! Conduct yourself properly on the telephone. Identify who you are and why you are calling. Get to the point. Learn the basics of using a computer and the internet. You cannot be in ANY business without them. This is the real school and what you do anywhere is what you do everywhere.

Work hard at your business. No one is going to build it for you. No one is going to sell your products for you. Stop trying to get your upline to do all the work. Stop telling your downline you will help them. It's your business, treat it that way. If you put as much time into your business as you do watching the boob tube or recreating out doors or doing a dozen other things, you could become very wealthy in your field.

Stop complaining about everything that's wrong and start praising everything that's right. Negative news travels faster that positive news. Do you want your downline to focus only on the negative? And if you must vent, only vent to your upline. Always put on a smile for your downline. If you want your business to grow, you have to stop talking bad about it. If it's that bad, quit and find another business.

Most any successful email marketer using any system will tell you that you must commit to at least twelve months of using the system. You must also upload at a minimum 2 million leads to have enough people to talk to. So don't cry when you upload 5000 leads and you only have 3 people as a premium lead, or even if you upload 500,000 leads and only have a few hundred premium leads to talk to. You need to commit to it, do it, and stop complaining about it. You talk to anyone that is successful and they will tell you this... "I never focused on the bad. I never complained about the ugly, and I never cried about the short comings. What I did do was, learn, get stronger, and fight my way to the top.". Never stop moving towards your dreams! I recommend you investigate mine at

Monday, August 22, 2011

Thoughts on A Perfect Program

I am of an optimist bent while withholding belief in a few areas expecting visionary results daily. I am consequently disappointed by my unmet expectations often while my more pessimistic friends are gleefully correct all the time. My daily 90 minute Dive/Immersion sets up the day. Many days are like looking into an orchestra of instruments all played by gerbils or the first day of sixth grade band. The brief random moments of remarkable symphony are quite pleasing however.

I grew up with USA ideals of the ‘Lone Ranger’ and ‘Superman’ that coble people to disastrous plans and outcomes. A mindset that I can do it all by myself is useful in many job environments but not in network marketing. Those who are prepared to work together and solve problems in a group format will make the transition and many will thrive during the coming upheaval. I am excited about all of it.

There are three things to consider when looking at an opportunity, the products, the compensation plan and the company culture. If any one of the three doesn't work for you the likelihood of continuing participation goes down. You won’t begin unless you have a good chance at success. If all three ever ‘taste’ bad you will quit. I have found products that I will never stop taking while the other two components make the business not worth my involvement. I have found where the other two are fantastic but if there is not product 'to die for' the moment you and especially your customer base has to choose between two products and can save $100 this month you and they will walk... and likely never return.

I have been in programs that paid me more every month than they cost me monetarily and the cost of my time and attention still had me quit. The program didn’t change but I did and I could no longer validate the programs worth even if it added money to my pocket every month. People won’t stay forever for money but they will for their perfect product.

I have found something where all three are in place for me. Take the tour at

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Promising - the basics

Making a promise produces no guarantee that you will accomplish what you promised. For the most part, our listening will produce promises that will reduce the risk rather than empower us to step into the risk.

If you promise something and then don't fulfill it, it doesn't mean that you don't live as your word. It means you didn't fulfill your promise.

The opportunity for mischief here is having an interpretation, "I have failed. I am bad."

If you are keeping your promises, it is not a promise. It is a prediction.

I'm not interested in developing your power to predict. I am interested in having you be empowered by a promise that you can stretch and live into.

Leaders make unreasonable promises and requests.

Leaders give power away by listening to others' unreasonable promises with a compassion and appreciation for what the person speaking is bringing forth by himself.

Power is the ability to be with what is so and have something to say about the way it turns out, not having it turn out your way.

Force is the negation of power.

- Werner Erhard

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What Good is a Business Card?

Business cards are a tool like no other tool. Well done with a little effort and added expense will pay you back years and years. How many cards do you get and throw away? More importantly which ones do you keep and why?

The essential information is required. Your name, phone, email and any other preferred method of contact. If you are going to put a web addresses on it insure you will own it for a long time or at least as long as you want your card held, kept, used and passed on to others.

Quality stock, embossed with your picture would be ideal. Once upon a time I worked for a large organization and everyone had the same cards but paying the extra to have them embossed with higher quality stock added something to the feel of the card that asked to touched. I made a stamp of the following:

Finished files are the
result of years of scientific
study combined with the
experience of years.

I stamped it in magenta colored ink on the back of all my cards. Many people love a friendly wager. I promised to write on two separate pieces of paper an answer to a question I would ask. On one paper, in my left hand, was their answer and in my right hand the correct answer.

I would then give them my card and ask, "How many letter 'f' are there in the sentence?"

Most people only see 3 and the correct answer is 6. Done with a little showmanship and guile you never have to pay for coca-cola again. Win the first wager and go double or nothing on the second. They also keep your card.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Increase Gas Mileage!!!

Lower Emissions!!

Increased Horsepower!

Longer Battery Life!

Works Instantly.

Works on gas or diesel engines.

SIMPLE and easy to install... a 5 year old can do the installation.

Turn $30 into immediate savings that will likely pay for itself the first month!


Check out this fuel saving device at and Watch the Video behind the YELLOW [top right] 'Click Here for Fuel Shark in the News!' it’s just above the video/movie on the site. ABC did an investigative report.

This is absolutely incredible and no risk!

Order yours today.

Visit for complete details.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What the Wealthy do for Wealth

My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny. – Elaine Maxwell

In 1985 there were less than twenty billionaires in the world. Today there are over a thousand. Money is appearing all over the globe. The dream of financial independence is sprouting just about everywhere. In 2003 there were eight billionaires from the USA in the top ten of Forbes’ annual list of billionaires. Today eight of the top ten live outside the USA. Less than half of the list lives in the USA. As opportunity has sprouted around the globe the US no longer is the only place money finds someone willing and able to put it to work.

About one third of the list got their money from inheritance and they continue to grow it. The other two thirds built their fortunes with business. Half of them began with family money and created the fortune they now own. The other half, the one third of the total that interests me, started near zero. I don’t know any of these people personally and I have read about them and read some of their work. Clearly they are masters of the Laws of Success. There are some common threads among these zero beginners.

Education is important for all of them. Most have a college degree while many didn’t finish high school. It wasn’t so much about learning for the fun of it or developing their knowledge but developing relationships and learning how to work with others. It’s not what you know but who you know.

They work longer hours. Most appear to work over fifty hours a week or more. For a billionaire to work twelve hour days it has to be about something other than the money. Going years without taking days off or going on vacations even while the people who work for you take weeks off indicates a level of focus and vision even their friends didn’t share.

They are open to new opportunities. When they heard about new ideas they wondered “How could I profit from that?” It is no accident the new ideas found them as well.

Mistakes and problems do not stop them. They made lemonade from lemons, problems are learning opportunities and mistakes are the opportunity to overcome problems.

They are strategic thinkers.
These are not positive thinkers nor do they dwell on the negative. They wonder if something is possible and how it could be used to their advantage.

Luck is not part of their story. Luck is how others may describe the circumstances for their lives. They were prepared and ready for those moments when an opportunity appeared.

Money is a byproduct. The desire for money and financial success is the same for everyone. Living into a vision where innovation, new ideas and the desire to make a difference in the world are the overriding commitments of the ultra wealthy. Money alone will not keep you motivated.

If it is your desire to thrive and prosper investigate our choice in emulating the habits of successful people in the world. Visit and take the tour. This is fun.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Increase Gas Mileage!!! GUARANTEED

Increase Gas Mileage!!!

Lower Emissions!!

Increased Horsepower!

Longer Battery Life!

Works Instantly.

Works on gas or diesel engines.

SIMPLE and easy to install... a 5 year old can do the installation.

Turn $30 into immediate savings that will likely pay for itself the first month!


Check out this fuel saving device at and Watch the Video behind the YELLOW [top right] 'Click Here for Fuel Shark in the News!'

This is absolutely incredible and no risk!

Order yours today.

Visit for complete details.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Plan to Getting it ALL Done!

The domain to work in is ‘being.’ If you have done everything and it is not happening… you need to be someone different. You need to be clear. - Joe Vitale

The first time I spent a weekend working on my personal 200 year goals/plan I found much of what I was committed to accomplishing was at cross purposes. First I identified all the current goals/wishes/hopes/etc and put them all down on paper. They were different in my head than they were on paper. On paper I realized many were at odds with one another. The weekend left me with a congruent development plan that broke down into manageable parts. 10 years out had goals for the next twelve months. Those goals had monthly targets and objectives which broke into daily tasks. It took some time but once the plan was in existence the “what to do today” was easy. Doing it was not.

I got rid of the 'to do' lists and made a Doing Now, a Not Doing Now, and a Never Doing Now list. Today's Doing Now gets done. Creating the six most important things I can do tomorrow that will impact my goals before I close out today allows my brain to percolate all night. Some great ideas appear upon waking and on my morning walk.

Amazingly, 15 plus years later much of the plan has occurred and most of what I believed would take 200 years is expected in my lifetime. I have to redesign the plan. What I thought possible or barely possible 15 years ago today is already happening. Goals have a way of clearing the path to their happening. Begin with the end in mind (who said that?) and the map getting there is a snap. You can have everything you want.

Try on this exercise. Give yourself enough time to do it justice for you.

If you had all the funds, all the people and 200 years to accomplish your goal what do you want to accomplish?

Think and dream as big as you can keeping it real for you.

Now work backwards by decade.

When you are within 10 years work it back by year.

When you are a year away look at it quarterly and monthly.

The last month break it down to weeks and days.

Who do you have to be today? What do you have to do?

You have 3 days to complete this task. Begin now.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Turn $30 into $100's in Savings

Increase Gas Mileage!!!

Lower Emissions!!

Increased Horsepower!

Longer Battery Life!

Works Instantly.

Works on gas or diesel engines.

SIMPLE and easy to install... a 5 year old can do the installation.

Turn $30 into immediate savings that will likely pay for itself the first month! Guaranteed!

Check out this fuel saving deivice at and Watch the Video behind the YELLOW [top right] 'Click Here for Fuel Shark in the News!'

This is absolutely incredible and no risk!

Order yours today.

Visit for complete details.

Monday, August 8, 2011

8 'So Called' Secrets You Need to Know

These so called ‘secrets’ are just simple time, marketing and money management principles!

#1: Leverage your time. You'll never get rich trading hours for dollars. Let your money, effort and other people’s work add money to your month. You may only be able to work 10 hours a week for yourself, but you can leverage the work of many other people to create a 10,000 hour work week. By the way, you can do this without ever hiring any employees. Do it once and get paid over and over! Pick one program and work it into profit. If you can do one you can do any.

#2: Learn to use an automatic selling system. Guess what? The number one reason people can't make it in business is because they cannot or do not like to sell. The solution is to set up an automatic selling system where lead generation, sifting, selling and contact management, is all automated for you. Marketing, sharing, presenting, teaching and a dozen other activities are all just selling. Do you like to share your favorite movie, brag about that best restaurant? Stop that! You are selling for someone else or use the same skills to promote a business you feel the same way about. NEVER pitch your own program in person. Always let a tool or someone else present the program. Eventually you will return the favor. is my choice.

#3: Do NOT re-invent the wheel. Do not start from scratch. Inventors go through tons of frustration, failed tests, and often ridicule. Find a system that is already working. If you are fortunate there will be ‘training wheels’ you can use. Do what already works! You can duplicate systems and procedures. You cannot duplicate people. Do what you do best and learn where and how to delegate the rest. is another way to see the opportunity.

#4: Find a personal coach. Every top athlete has a coach. In fact, many of the best have two or three coaches. They are there for one reason... to help them be the best they can possibly be. A coach will help you set your course. They will help keep you on track. They will take you from where you are today to where you want to be. Find a mentor, someone to emulate. We normally are our own worst enemy. Another option is work with a team or ‘mastermind’ group.

#5: Offer your product or program to those who are interested. Lead generation is the biggest difficulty in most businesses. Find out how to put your business in front of the people who are looking for what you have to offer. Learning how to ‘offer’ to the ‘listening’ with a logic the ‘listener’ understands is a skill you can learn. Spam is the ultimate failure as it ruins your image and you lose a potential customer or partner. Look at

#6: Use all the tax advantages available to you. Starting your business gives you the advantage of tax benefits not available to the general public. Everyone should make money from their home with an online home business just to save on taxes if nothing else. Be your own best tax adviser with one of the many tax programs available to you.

#7: Build multiple residual income streams. Do not just sell a product one time. Find a way to earn a residual income from everything you sell. Sell something today and learn how to earn an income on it every month for the rest of your life. This is how you build real wealth. It is not by selling a onetime item and finding a new customer for it every day. Work an hour today and earn an income forever. If you have enough items to sell, provide great personal and customer service you can create residual income with nearly anything.

#8: Set goals you can accomplish. Break the long term ones into bite size. Most people live paycheck to paycheck all their lives. They hope some government program will take care of them when they get older. That is a mistake. All the current social security programs are not enough for people to live on today. It definitely will be worse when you have to rely on it. You have to make a plan today...or you will end up in desperation tomorrow. Plan your work and work your plan. Count on failure to show you the way. If you will learn from your failures, your future is in the stars. Another hint is to stop avoiding failure. Be willing to learn new things.

It's your choice. You can stay where you are right now in a never-ending spiral...or you can turn the corner and experience the money, lifestyle, and dreams you have always wanted.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What Got Us Here Is Insufficient for What's Coming

The list from yesterday is difficult to compare then to now. However the cost in hours of work for many things has decreased significantly the last 110 years. A number of things have stayed the same and the coming storm suggests the world is unprepared for what is next.

Cheap oil, cheap in it costs pennies a barrel to produce and distribute, is over. Somewhere between 2003 and 2008 world oil production peaked. Yes there is more out there but it will cost a lot more to get it. Consumption is already exceeding by a factor of two or more what is found. Every new barrel of 'reported' new oil is matched by two barrels consumed of what we have available. The quantity of oil production will fall by half over the next 40 years.

Biofuels will attempt to fill some of the gap but the expense is huge. Tweny acres of corn produces twenty gallons of fuel. It also could feed a hundred people for a year. If you removed everything you currently use that required oil to produce or manufacture... there is not much. The world runs on electricity and the connection provided by the internet offers huge potential gains for all of humanity.

What happens when the lights go out? What happens when oil is $400/barrel?

It's coming and hoarding food, building little mini survival camps in the woods are not the solution for everyone. Don't believe me.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nearly 110 Years Ago... 1902

Some facts I collected to ponder…

The year is 1902, one hundred ten years ago ... what a difference a century makes.

Here are the U.S. statistics for 1902:

Population about 80,000,000

Theodore Roosevelt was serving his first term as US President.

The average life expectancy in the US was forty-seven (47).

Only 14 Percent of the homes in the US had a bathtub.

Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.

A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost eleven dollars.

Sugar cost four cents a pound. Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.

Coffee cost fifteen cents a pound.

The average wage in the US was 22 cents an hour.

The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.

A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, a dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.

There were only 8,000 cars in the US and only 144 miles of paved roads.

The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.

Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee was each more heavily populated than California. With a mere 1.4 million residents, California was only the 21st most populous state in the Union.

The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower.

More than 95 percent of all births in the US took place at home.

Ninety percent of all US physicians had no college education. Instead, they attended medical schools, many of which were condemned by the press and by the government as "substandard."

Most women only washed their hair once a month and used borax or egg yolks for shampoo.

Canada passed a law prohibiting poor people from entering the country for any reason.

The five leading causes of death in the US were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke

The American flag had 45 stars. Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii and Alaska hadn't been admitted to the Union yet.

The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was 30.

Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented.

There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.

One in ten US adults couldn't read or write. Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.

Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at corner drugstores. According to one pharmacist, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and the bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health."

Eighteen percent of households in the US had at least one full-time servant or domestic.

There were only about 230 reported murders in the entire US.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Insanity and the BEST Day of MY LIFE

Whenever something doesn't work out the way I think it should or thought it would, instead of thinking that something went wrong or is wrong, I see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent.

Repeat three times each morning…

TODAY is the Best Day of MY Life! And say it with emphasis. Tell it to everyone who asks you how are you today? They will want to know what has you so happy… You can’t really say this without making it appear.

I have a daily commitment to not complain or listen to any complaints. Today I noticed the common adage that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is a complaint. It also suggests quitting as the best course.

We need more determination and persistence not less. We need more insanity. Visit with me and Brian Tracey for where to apply yours.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Birthday Message for Everyday

The layoffs are still piling up, more banks are going bust and governments everywhere are pumping billions of dollars of your tax money into crazy schemes trying to prop up their favorites at everyone elses expense. It's been two years, or is it four... or more and the direction is unchanged. We are certainly in the midst of a worldwide recession they claim ended and it may still denigrate into a depression. 2012 here we come!!!

I am writing this because this economic meltdown is no threat to your future and actually offers real opportunities for increasing your wealth and success. Today is my birthday. A day I look over the last year and the one ahead.

I have a couple questions for you...

What will change in your life, over the next twelve months, if you continue doing what you're doing right now?

You get to choose. It really is up to you. You will be the one to determine exactly what your life looks like in twelve months.

Not the economy.
Not your company.[if you are working]
Not your boss. [if you have one]
Not your parents. [no matter if they are alive or dead]
Not your spouse. [really!]
Not the Democrats.
Not the conservatives,
Not the Republicans.
Not the liberals,
Not your friends and relatives.


Sadly, most people simply do nothing or the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. It is easy to ignore opportunity (safer to just complain) and continue doing what you've been doing. After all, there's probably something on TV right now. Maybe a movie you rented and haven't watched yet. How is that working for you? What does it pay you for the hours of your time? It's a mind meld with staying poor!!

If you are still reading this then your mind is on the same track mine. Take action by making a phone call and learning more. That decision puts you on an entirely different path than you would have been on otherwise.

What about you? Interested in charting a new course for the next 12 months? It starts with a simple step.

Call me at 305-421-3165 right now. If I am on the phone or away you will get voice mail. I am at my desk most mornings, some afternoons and some evenings. Let me know the best times to reach you if I do not answer. I will call you back asap. If you have 10 to 15 hours a week and a willingness to learn, I have what 95% are looking for in a home business.

You qualify by the actions you take. You can get started in less than 24 hours but I suggest you take the time you need investigating a "No Guesswork Blueprint" to creating a life without limits. I will not pitch you or attempt to convince you. I will provide information for you to review and evaluate on your terms.

The next step is yours! I'll look forward to speaking with you! 305-421-3165

Afraid to call me? Visit for your path to the prosperity universe!

There is nothing either good or bad but [YOUR] thinking makes it so. - William Shakespeare

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The World Will be Changing SOON.

Look up Jevon Paradox in a search engine or Wikipedia. The concept of the paradox is that as we make something more efficient (for example gas in cars), the demand for that resource goes up (we move further into the exurbs because driving is cheaper). Left to natural tendencies conservation actually makes the problem worse… UNLESS we artificially raise the prices with taxes or some other forced method.

Look up Peak Oil as above. Essentially at some point, sooner than later, we will reach the half way point on taking oil out of the ground. When we do, nothing we do will increase production and all the while demand is sky rocketing around the world. To delay this we need to raise the cost by taxes on oil, DRASTICALLY, now. If they had done is during the 90’s we may have delayed the event by perhaps a decade or two. It will happen and soon in my estimation. The ‘proofs’ are out there but are either denied or laughed at by all sides. When a barrel of oil hits $200 what does that do to the economy? I believe it will hit $400 within 3 months after the peak effectively eliminating most air travel, transportation of food and food fertilizers will sky rocket. Anyone stuck in an area that cannot produce enough food to feed itself will be in huge trouble. Any area dependent on selling excess food to anywhere else [Chile to the US, CA to everywhere] will have more food to sell locally than anyone can buy. Everything that is currently an alternative is only one because of oil that costs $2/barrel to suck out of the ground producing 21,000 man hours of work.

One barrel of oil produces 11 computers. What will computers cost at $400/barrel? Solar panels that don’t break even with tax subsidies will cost 100x times what they do now when oil costs $400/barrel. The 300 years of coal in the USA is based on cheap oil. Using peak oil scenarios there is only 30 years. The oil shale of MT,ND and CO along with Canada contains large amounts of oil but will require oil to be at least $1000/barrel to offer the same rates of return as the current sources. Life is going to change on this planet…