Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Seven Things That Make a Difference (Part 5)

From NetworkMarketingTimes.com

Seven Things That Make a Difference (Part 5)
By Randy Gage

This is part five in our series of seven things that will make a difference for your MLM success. These seven things are what top leaders do to build a large group. The most successful ones use all of them.

These seven things aren't really skills. Some are habits. Some are mindset. And some are techniques. But they all are things that you must use effectively to build a large business.

So let's look at number five: Consistency.

Consistency certainly doesn't sound sexy like lead generation, Internet marketing, or secret recruiting techniques. But consistency will make you rich in Network Marketing. In fact the single biggest disparity between the top earners and the grinders is how they approach consistency.

Now if I asked you whether you're consistent, you would probably assure me that you are. Most people believe this. But most people are not even close to consistent in their business efforts. So let's look at how you're really doing in this area:

If you've followed my training for a while then you know I'm a big believer in launching your business with a "major blast" and then doing two or three exposures a day after that. Some people commit to do this six days a week, some for five.

Now of course this doesn't mean you do two or three presentations a day. Most people start part-time with 10-15 hours a week and couldn't do this. So we're not talking about presentations, just exposures.

So an exposure might be sending an inquiry email to someone you know, handing out a packet of information, or inviting someone to a meeting. You could even meet your quota by leaving five or ten brochures at the car wash one day. An exposure just means you let someone know you have a business that could be great for them, and you offer them the chance to find out more about it.

I'm sure when you started you were creating exposures every day.

But now that you've been in a while, how are you doing? How many did you do today, yesterday, all last week? Consistency means consistency.

For my group, we do a Leadership Training call once a week.

Invariably new team members listen the first couple of weeks.

Then life starts to get in the way. The successful leaders are on 50 a year. They're consistent.

The same thing happens with opportunity presentations. You probably have them weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. New distributors are always excited about these to start. Then inertia sets in and they start whining about it always being the same thing, they don't have guests that week, and so on. They lose their consistency.

The same thing happens with training events. They start off strong. But once they're in a while, they have all kinds of excuses why they can't make the meeting that time. When they started, those excuses would never have held water for them. But now they have given up on consistency and now things like having to mow the lawn, help a friend move a sofa, in-laws coming to town now seem like a valid excuse to neglect their business.

So how are you doing?

Be honest and rate yourself on how consistent you really are in your business. And next time we'll explore number six. Have a great week!


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