Friday, January 16, 2009

Seven Things That Make a Difference (Part 4)


Seven Things That Make a Difference (Part 4)
By Randy Gage

This is part four in our series of seven things that will make a difference for your MLM success.

These seven things are what top leaders do to build a large group. The most successful ones use all of them. These seven things aren't really skills. Some are habits. Some are mindset. And some are techniques. But they all are things that you must use effectively to build a large business.

So let's look at number four: personal development.

This is the most important habit to have in the business, and the one that most new people resist. Because telling someone that they need to work on themselves isn't sexy. To them "sexy" is learning prospecting techniques, recruiting scripts or lead generation strategies.

What they don't understand is that those recruiting techniques are useless if you aren't the kind of person that people trust, believe in and want to work with. The other issue is that to be successful in the business, you have to have a certain confidence, demeanor, and presence. And that comes from who you are - and that comes from personal development.

If you remember, in the first installment in the series we talked about posture. Well you can't have good posture if you don't have the rightmindset.

The fact is, our business is not easy. It is simple, but it's not easy. We're approaching sometimes skeptical people, who don't always understand the differences between illegal pyramids and legitimate Network Marketing. Often we are promoting breakthrough products that need some explanation. We're bringing in a lot of people who never have been their own boss before, so turnover is a reality of the process. We have to be UP all the time.

We have to see challenges as growth opportunities, setbacks as learning experiences, and adversity as necessary for character building. And that's pretty tough to do when you are surrounded by negativity all day, as most of us are.

The truth is, most of your average co-workers, friends and family members are probably negative. They don't mean to be, but they can't help it. They're being programming, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just as you are. (For more on this, read my latest book, "Why You're DUMB, SICK & BROKE and How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH!")

To really have a positive mindset, you have to counter-program your subconscious mind with positive programming. Every great MLM leader does this religiously, usually on a daily basis.

I believe in 30 minutes of daily self-development time, done first thing in the morning. Doing this early creates your consciousness for the day and determines the results you will get that day. (If you watched or read "The Secret," this is a perfect demonstration of how the Law of Attraction works.)

For some reason, most new people think top leaders never have anyone quit on them, all their prospects say 'yes,' and they never face any adversity. Of course the truth is top leaders face a lot more challenges and adversity.

But they do enough personal development so that it doesn't prevent them from success. They are so far over the line it wouldn't matter if an earthquake swallowed up the corporate headquarters. They'll still find a way to be successful and they'll never quit.

But that's not a mental destination; it's an ongoing journey. They work on themselves enough to keep their mental state positive enough that the negative things can never outweigh the positive ones.

That's where you need to be.

And it isn't just about getting you over the line or keeping you from quitting. It is about dramatically improving the results that you produce, each and every day. Personal development time in the morning creates a physiological state change in you, which in turn produces better outcomes and results from the actions you take that day.

I promise you that if you call ten people and invite them to a presentation, you will pull a higher percentage if you spent 30 minutes that morning listening to a Jim Rohn CD.

If you read "Think & Grow Rich" for 30 minutes when you wake up, you are a different person at your opportunity meeting that night. There is a different posture in your body, a different tone in your voice, and a different look in your eyes.

If you started your day watching TV, and you get rejected at 7 pm, I bet you put down the phone and gravitate right back to the TV. If you started your day by reading "As a Man Thinketh" for 30 minutes and you get rejected at 7 pm, I bet you're calling the next prospect at 7:03.

So how well do you use personal development in your business and your life?

This is the fourth thing that top leaders do well that keeps them successful. Next issue, we'll explore number five. Until then, have a great week!


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