In my last entry I shared five characteristics successful people use in the network marketing industry. In my opinion, you cannot be successful without them. With them you are in a strong position to achieve your aspirations in this industry.
1. They used their own products or services and could explain why you should use them.
It is much easier sharing a product when you use it yourself. A personal guarantee based on experience is a powerful tool. Everything I use that has proven useful and effective will likely be found the same by others. The same is true for what I have tried and failed with. Spend money on a horrible movie and you will let everyone you know your experience. If your product or service experience exceeds your expectations your enthusiasm is obvious.
2. They had a reason for doing the business and a business plan.
There are more reasons to do a business other than just to make money right now. Many programs I use make money right away but also provide something else I need or want. I find most of the programs online are lead generation programs of one sort or another. The best ones can be called a "Funded Proposal." Most of them cannot be viewed as an investment with immediate and long-term returns. I am always looking for people who are interested in both and that 'seed' takes some time to germinate.
The business network that you build with people with similar goals will benefit you for many years. Some say the money is in the list. I say it is in your relationships with your list. As people come to know, like and trust each other, the ability to take on ever larger dreams becomes inspirational and effortless for everyone.
Zig Ziglar said "Plan your work and work your plan." He also said, "If you don't plan to succeed you plan to fail." A good written business plan, one you are willing to follow, virtually guarantees your success! We have a plan requiring only 15 hours a week. Over half the hours are broken into 15 minute increments enabling anyone to plug into success.
3. They let the tools do the selling.
I have been in sales since sometime around age two. My success was always a function of my abilities and no one could be expected to duplicate my experience and abilities. I had to learn how to allow the systems do the work. Tools are in place to advertise, to market and to sell everything and now I do all of it with no extra effort. Some things really are simple. Discovering that the most successful people never even pitched their own personal prospects was a huge inspiration. There are tools and people around me that do that for me. I do it for them when called on. There is no reason to risk family or personal relationships in this business once you know how to allow people to say no to someone else. Done correctly your family and friends will be some of your best referral sources. MLM is the true win-win business.
4. They were always learning more about their business.
I think this holds true in all aspects of life. Those who stay on top of things, who are always ready to adapt to different challenges and changes, are the ones who make it. You know the ones who have an ease and worry free demeanor. One of my favorite speakers says this business is 90% personal growth and 10% activities. We all have unlimited potential for ever increasing personal development. Do what you do best and learn to delegate the rest has been one of my mantras. Learning how to do your best for the benefit of everyone around you is a great benefit for everyone including you.
5. They stayed in the game long enough to have a chance to succeed.
Patience is a virtue in any business. Think of the exponential growth model. It starts out slow, when patience is required, then all of a sudden, boom! Exponential growth. That's how a network operates. From personal experience, I can tell you that the longer you are involved the broader and more expansive your network will become, until soon you have cash coming in from the farthest reaches of the universe. Persistence is an act of courage in the face of no agreement. Learn to be stubborn in your quest for your dreams.
I am convinced there are keys to success in life. Five of them are listed above. For some, they come naturally. For others, they have to be developed. Either way, they work. They just need a vehicle to turn attributes into assets. Find a group to develop those critical attributes and you will find the success that you work so hard for.
Perhaps you joined MLM for some of the same reasons that I did. I have a knack for networking. I wanted to supplant my primary income. The industry I worked in had a clear transformation coming that did not bode well for my personal income. I was really excited by the comfort of working from home without the issue of a commute. Perhaps you have tried some of the same things that I have done. I would not trade the learning experience away for anything. I know I will accomplish my goals. All of my goals require I do whatever I can for your goals to be accomplished as well.
If you want to find out more click, leave your information and let’s build some dreams!
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