I've been in network marketing for a long time and I have seen a lot. My path was amateur, novice, expert and professional. I've tried different business systems and approaches and I have met with different levels of success. I've had the chance to meet and be taught by some amazing people. Good, honest people who know this industry intimately and who worked hard to get to the top. People, who have made money, are making a lot of money as in millions and millions.
I owe a great deal to these leaders, not just from the things that they taught me, but from my own observations of them. I noticed that all of them have similar characteristics that helped them achieve the kind of success that many of us dream about.
1. They used their own products or services and could explain why anyone should use them. (They were a product of the product.)
2. They had a reason, a huge dream and the proverbial big WHY, for doing the business and a written business plan.
3. They let the tools do the selling. They didn’t even pitch their own prospects personally.
4. They were always learning more about the business.
5. They stayed in the game long enough to have a chance to succeed.
Remaining true to these principles, these people made millions. Do you have those qualities? You do not have to be born with them. Some of them are developed by smart business practices and patience. All of us can develop these characteristics. Those who do are well on their way to achieving their dreams.
My goal is to gain financial and time freedom. I will spend time with my family while obtaining economic independence. I will share my knowledge, experience and success with others.
Here is some of the leader’s information I have found most impactful to me. This is a short list and I am always interested in your recommendations.
Wallace Wattles published “The Science of Getting Rich in 1910.
Napoleon Hill published “Think and Grow Rich” in 1937.
Jim Rohn is quoted and read by everyone.
Bill Harris runs Centerpointe and uses Nobel Prize winners’ technology.
Mike Dillard is the source of Magnetic Sponsoring.
Joe Vitale is a writer and speaker.
Lou Abbott is clear about what works and what doesn’t in MLM.
Ann Sieg is a teacher and coach and her system makes a difference.
James Arthur Ray is another incredible writer and speaker.
Randy Gage is a prosperity coach and someone I spend time with every week.
Jim Francis is from Australia and uses leading edge techniques on mind power.
If you can commit to 15 hours a week I can show you a path to unlimited prosperity. I will give away everything I can to enable you to succeed on your terms. I will send you all the Laws of Success. You have likely heard of the Law of Attraction. There are twelve more. Do you know them?
Leave your info at http://www.iceburner.net
In my next blog I will expand on the five areas above.
Michael Eisbrener
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