Friday, September 23, 2011

Are YOU Committed to Personal Excellence?

Subliminal exposure of affirmations, mantras and committed beliefs works!

Millions of people worldwide use subliminal messages to improve their performance.

It is NOT psychotherapy. It is NOT hypnosis. It is NOT meditation. There is NO reading. There are NO magic spells.  This KNOWS how to access the inner mind! We all have this awesome power within our own minds.

What if there was a way to activate our brains almost like a switch?

You want to experience self-confidence, just CLICK that switch.

You want to lose a few inches from your waist, just CLICK that switch.

You want to lose your fear of public speaking, just CLICK that switch.

It is much easier working with your mind!! The brain doesn't come with its own control panel.

Then someone tried to build one!

Subliminal message are the control panel of the brain!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Einstein's Theory on Marketing

Marketing Insanity and other ideas…
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. If you have ever found your keys in the drawer after the third or fourth time you where you already looked you understand why many of us continue on the insane road. There is a debate among people as to whether this said by Benjamin Franklin, Einstein, or someone else originally. As any experience because it has worked for us in the past and it is comfortable we continue with insane habits. Habits, even dangerous and worthless ones, provide something we need. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is just not very smart because we are not thinking when we are in this pattern. Our mind functions best on automatic, to create habits that keep us safe.  It isn’t interested in making you rich. You will have to think for that to happen.

The same path applies to business. The businesses that break the mold and do something new often succeed. Those that continue with a version of status quo eventually find the Chapter 11 door. Horse carriage makers thought that the automobile fad was just a phase that would pass. How many vinyl record companies disappeared when CD’s appeared? In a more recent example, huge, established airline companies are struggling while new, smaller companies are succeeding by focusing on low fares and customer satisfaction.

The original businesses of network marketing began almost 100 years ago with vitamin sales in the US. Since then it has grown into an enormous and comprehensive industry with companies on all continents. (Yes, all continents. Somewhere, some scientist on Antarctica is pitching Amway or something like that to one of his coworkers. You know it is true!)  Obviously, the industry hasn't remained the same, and success has favored the new and innovative. You should not remain the same either.

MLM may make you a millionaire. It has a remarkable record of accomplishment for that. If you are seeking a new way to break the mold of mediocrity (insanity) and achieve success that the few who possess the business courage and agility to do what it takes to get it then you have arrived at the right place in your life.

Many people will not achieve the financial success that originally lured them into network marketing (or real estate or insurance or …).  The data in all fields suggests nearly 95% will not succeed.  That appears to be a working number in most industries. There is also the 80/20 rule. 20% do the work generating 80% of the income. The first step is your choosing to be ready to be a part of the success group. Are you ready?

One key is to take a different approach. What you have done in the past if you continue the same approach will likely achieve the same results. My experience has shown me that the search for the simple and easy has led many people to skip or ignore essential steps in the path to success. Success is organizing a large number of people who do something simple and easy over and over and over.

If you have not experienced success in the past I suggest you make drastic changes and break from your past patterns.  If you have achieved success and then it stopped what is your story about it?  It happened too soon? You were not ready for it? You didn’t deserve it? Was the cost of your success more than you were willing to pay long term?  Quitting for any reason, valid or not, is the only reason for failure. Success is a journey with a goal in mind.

Throughout history, whether in war or exploration or business, success comes to the few.  It also comes to groups who hang out together.  If you have a large address book and are a 'leader' your success in MLM is much more likely than if you are the Lone Ranger. I grew up living and breathing Lone Ranger episodes.  The Lone Ranger is the ultimate nice guy, friendly and one friend away from becoming a cloistered monk. Not the best role model to follow if you are looking for success in MLM or network marketing. 

Success, financial success specifically, is a science. Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" is required reading.  Working on you and your mind set is more important to your success than any other item.  There are many mentors out there.  Mostly they have the same information.  Pick one or two that fits you.  Then go to work. You may go through many before you find your best fit.

Now pick the program.  I have worked many and everyone had both successful people and failures working them.  I say they were all training for what I am now working.  If you can follow a few simple steps, put in three to four hours a day for the next six months this program guarantees you will earn $400K.

Really!!!!  Go to now and we should talk.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Onotology... What is it?

Quotes can express a perspective or describe a view or simplify a complex subject or word.

The searching-out and thorough investigation of truth ought to be the primary study of man.

Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life.
Christiane Northrup

I am more and more convinced that our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves.
Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt

Practice yourself in little things, and thence proceed to greater.

If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the spirit in which you are rendering it.
Roger Babson

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this something, at whatever cost, must be attained.
Marie Curie
To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth which constitutes self-respect is potentially to have everything.
Joan Didion

  Don't worry about impressing others, impress yourself. Who are you trying to please, anyway?
Mark McKeon

Peace is not an absence of war; it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.
Baruch Spinoza

Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.
Benjamin Disraeli

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent you are clear.
Janet Attwood

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain

Name the greatest of all inventors. Accident.
Mark Twain

Ontology is the theory of objects and their relationships, interdependencies and attributes. Ontology provides principles for recognizing characteristic features of all things understood intellectually. Ontology focuses on the meaning of being, the essence and its source/identity. Ontology investigates the essential variations of entities and their interdependencies. Ontology studies the fundamental processes and the relationship of mind. Ontology studies how an object relates to the world and to itself. Ontology studies in a sense the interactions of the physical sciences to the atomic sciences. Ontology ultimately pursues the core essence and uses a descriptive definition that defines that analysis abstractly. Ontology has roots going back over 2000 years.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Six Reasons to Work the Global Business Opportunity Amega

Starting an Amega Global Home Business is beneficial for several reasons. These are the top six. There are more.

Amega Global is an established company - Amega Global was formed by a consortium of three companies, a health product manufacturer, an investment firm and a Personal Development Company in 2006.  They are a leader in Wellness & Energy Products and E-Commerce Network Marketing.
Starting a business with a solid and well established company is very important.  You want your financial future based on a company that won’t disappear tomorrow.

The products are in high demand - because their products, such as AMWand is of excellent quality and does exactly what they say, the demand continues to grow.  The goal is for every home in the world to have an Amega AMWand.

The competition for these products is from knockoffs and inferior copies - Amega Global manufactures products that are unique in the marketplace using proprietary technology.
There is no competition and you have the whole market to yourself. This ensures that your new business will grow at a very fast pace.

No Other Company Has The Technology To Make These Products - The company has spent years of research to come up with a proprietary technology known as Amized Fusion Technology.  Amega is developing a whole series of products based on this technology that no other company has.

Zero Point Energy or Zero Point Resonance is used in these products to remind the body that it used to be healthy.   The return to original set points gives the cells the instructions to return to full health. Amega will continue to develop more high-quality products for the market.  With the success of products such as AMWand and zero-point energy, the more products developed using this technology the more advantages you’ll have in solving people’s problems and meeting the needs and wants. This guarantees that your Amega Global Business will continue to grow and make money. That they are in operation in over 160 countries worldwide makes this a wide open opportunity.

The AMWand helps people become pain free and healthy drug-free – All zero-point energy is really doing is enabling the body to become healthy on its own.   Pain is either passed cellular memories or accepted as normal by the body.  Resetting the cells to zero ‘disappears’ the pain or lets the body ‘know’ it has a job to do and it does.

The AMWand does not cure anything. Once the body ‘remembers it knows the path to health again and the body does the rest alone.

This is the most natural form of healing and pain relief that exists.  Everyone either is experiencing some pain or knows someone that is.  How’s that for a target market!  Start the tour now

Monday, September 19, 2011

Random Thoughts

Racism is a myth…

Critical thinking does not give you permission to be a bigot.  Bigots seldom think… they do repeat thoughts over and over like a record skipping the same phrases in an infinite loop.

Liberal… progressive… democrat… socialist…

Appear to ‘believe’ or defend that humans are essentially good but then find fault in everyone who disagrees with them…

Appear to ‘believe’ or defend or offer the excuse that the fault or cause for the problem, breakdown, and damage done is someone or something else’s responsibility… they are only responsible for ‘good’ results.

Are all members of the Cult of Good Intentions.  This is the ultimate get out of jail free card.  Results never matter as long as your ‘intentions’ mean well.

Fairness is a myth...

Need a new or at least additional competing model for earning income.

JOB model… pay for ‘security’ and money as long as produce a profit for company. Cost is slavery and no life.

Networking Model… HUGE investment of time and or money for delayed income streams.  No control over anyone but yourself.  Upline and company have their own issues and agenda.  

Downline sees you as the previous and can/will leave for any reason at any time.

Income TAX fairness… Currently majority pay little or nothing… the bottom half.   

The middle pays largest share. At some point the top few percent pay less percentage than only the bottom half.

Unions … have more ‘rights’ and privileges than any other workers…and produce subpar products at higher cost. 

Thought… Income taxes and unions have served their purpose and no longer work or support the enterprise.  Ending both is a good idea.